Monday, August 7, 2017

Swamp tour and alligator dinner

It seems that people equate New Orleans with Bourbon Street and the French Quarter, buy oh there is so much more to the city and the surrounding area. There is a whole other part of New Orleans outside the city which really shows the culture and life of this area...the bayou!
 Today I  headed out to Honey Island to take a swamp tour with hopes to view the flora and fauna that  made the area so popular with nature lovers. My hopes were granted. The catfish, lizards, bass, wild rice, and snakes were interesting and exciting to view but couldn't compare to the excitement of seeing my first swimming alligator! What graceful swimmers. And as I learned, were there is one alligator there are more...from a "small" 10 footer up to the granddaddy of the bayou, a 15 foot male, I got my fill of alligator-spotting.  After another boat spooked the granddaddy, we were not sure he would stick around. To our excitement, and ok, a little fright, he surfaced right beside our boat...and I mean right beside. It was amazing to see such a majestic creature so close. So close that if crazy, I could have touched it.
As we meandered farther into the swampland the scenery took on such an eerie feel. We parked in the cypress trees and listened to the sound of the was such a magical moment with the dragonflies darting around and fish swirling below...all was good and peaceful until....
Yup, two beady eyes appeared through the green algae ....yet another alligator made an appearance.
As we returned to the dock I couldn't help but feel inspired and impressed with the people of  the bayou region.
That evening my evening meal consisted of food from the bayou.right down to deep fried alligator. All I can say is "yum".

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