Saturday, July 15, 2017

Effigy mounds
I awoke to a cloudy, semi-drizzly day....a perfect day for hiking the mounds. I made it over to my third state, Iowa, on the River Road. 
Effigy Mounds is a historical, protected ceremonial burial ground on the bluffs of the Mississippi. There are several types of mounds at this site, conical, linear as well as mounds representing various animals. After a informative talk with the ranger, I took a peaceful hike to the Little Bears. The hike itself was very serene and the weather made it comfortable. I have to agree with people who say there is something very spiritual about this place. Hiking alone let me enjoy the peace and solitude this place is known for. I did meet up with one woman along the way who was part Native American. It was quite interesting listening to her talk about her thoughts on the various mounds along the river. Tomorrow I will visit the Cahokia mounds further south in Illinois.
The Rangers were phenomenal and spent time talking to me upon my return to the station and even agreed to some interviews!  We shared stories and experiences...both Rangers knew about Mississippi Mike from across the river and added more information on the family connections to the area.
Continuing up the river brought me to a little town on the Iowa border names Alma, home of a little country shop and meat store that has been in continuous operation for 136 years. What nice people! After trying several smoked meats and sausages, I was honored with a tour of the outdoor smoker and got an interview with the owners son, who is the sixth generation in the business. With a bag full of smoked jersey and sausage, local soda and candy I said my goodbyes and headed on to the national eagle center.
In Connecticut we are lucky if we see an eagle a year. People along the river, especially around Pepin Lake which is a wide area of the river,routinely see these creatures. A gentleman at the center shared a story with me where several HUNDRED Eagles were seen at one time leaving an area. I find that so amazing. Seeing the pictures of Eagles in this area in such mass numbers was pretty up-lifting. It's good to know that our national symbol is making such a comeback due to the regulations which are now in place.

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